
Grief/Encouragement Tools from Bechtel Books

May 9, 2024 by

Grief/Encouragement Tools from Bechtel Books

Fay Bechtel has a series of books to aid the grieving youth or adult in relation to God.
Read below for some of Fay’s insightful thoughts and then click on the hyperlink
to go to her website and see her line of Grief/Encouragement books.

But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb,
and called me by his grace, To reveal his Son in me,
that I might preach him among the heathen;
immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood.  Galatians 1:15-16


Stop and ponder these words, “When it pleased God.”  God has a plan!  God has a timetable!  God has a purpose He will accomplish when it pleases Him!

Oh forgive me Lord, for fighting against your divine plan, but I have some questions:
When will it please You to awaken my son to his spiritual needs?
When will it please You to remove these thorns from my path?
When will it please You to grant me a year of “normal” living?
When will it please You to heal my daughter’s cancer?
When will it please You to answer my endless prayers?
I cry out, “Oh God, my expectations wait on You to be fulfilled!”

And God’s resounding reply is, Why do you limit me by your plan and your expectations?  Give me some ‘elbow room.’  My thoughts are higher than your thoughts. My ways are higher than your ways.  Give me room to work out My plan, in My way, when it pleases Me!

Oh yes, here I am again, Lord, pleading Your mercy and understanding.  Fill my frail humanity with Your spirit and Your power.  Give me the trust and anticipation that waits in faith and patience for Your design, without my human input.  Help me to give You more than ‘elbow room!’

When God is working in His time, on His plan—that is the way He desires to work—it is not the time for me to seek counsel, help, or understanding from humans.  Paul said, “When it pleased God…I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood…” When it pleased God to call Paul and to reveal His Son in him, Paul went to Arabia in seclusion with God for three years of training.  There he heard only God’s voice and learned to live and work according to God’s plan!

Conferring with other humans about my trials and pain often muddies the waters of affliction.  God wants me to come alone with Him and wait for His time—“When it pleased God.”

God likes to surprise His children by working in surprising ways—
ways that feed faith and increase trust;
but His ways are often out of my comfort range!
It is usually when the surprise is painful,
then I begin to question His wisdom
O fear the LORD, ye his saints:
for there is no want to them that fear him. Psalm 34:9

Where are the desires of my heart?  To what or to whom have I surrendered my heart?  To whom have I sacrificed my will?  These are difficult questions to consider when I am dealing with the dark clouds of fear.

Fear of losing another daughter to cancer—
Fear of what will happen to my grandchildren—
Fear of how we as a family will deal with such a loss—
Fear of what treatment will help—if any—
Fear of totally surrendering to God!

Monsters of fear parade through my thoughts chasing away God’s promises.

Fear thou not, for I am with you…
Be not afraid, for I am your God…
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord…
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…
The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life…
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?  the LORD is the strength
of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

The fears leave for a time and then they return to haunt me.   Satan is a master at taking away my peace and trust.  Again, I must examine myself.  Are the desires of my heart surrendered to God’s will?  Have I sacrificed my will to God’s plan?  Is my will totally surrendered to Him?  Perfect love casts out fear.  Oh Lord, increase my love….

Satan also uses the dark places of silence and secrets to destroy a Christian’s peace and relationship with God.  When my heart is troubled and pained, I must tell Jesus my dark, secret (truly nothing is secret to Him) thoughts and feelings.  Buried thoughts and feelings become Satan’s tools.

Someone said, “We will fear that which we surrender our hearts to.  Our hearts will always be with our sacrifice.”

Oh God, keep my wondering mind stayed on You!  Enlighten my understanding of Your power, Your love, Your plan, Your ways, Your timetable, Your purpose.  Help me to surrender my fears to You and to sacrifice my heart on Your altar of love.  I choose to live in Your fear and to know no want!  I choose not to carry the weight of the unknown or the burden of what has not yet happened.

When I fear God, all other fears fade and Satan loses his power over my mind.  Praise the Lord for His overruling power!
Stop telling God how big your storm is.
Instead tell your storm how big your God is!


From: God’s Grace In The Valley http://www.bechtelbooks.com/

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