
The Lost Art of Pigeon Homing

Mar 31, 2024 by

The Lost Art of Pigeon Homing

Pigeon homing is a lost art. Once a common method of communication, it has now been replaced by technology. But there is something special about pigeons that make them worth learning about. They are amazing creatures with a unique ability to find their way home. And for those who are interested in learning more about this lost art, there are resources available to get started.

What is Pigeon Homing?
Pigeon homing is the process of training pigeons to deliver messages. This was once a common method of communication, but it has since been replaced by technology. Despite this, pigeon homing is still practiced by some people. A comprehensive resource about pigeon homing can be found at ARPU’s Homing Pigeon 101.

Why Would You Want to Learn About Pigeon Homing?
There are several reasons why you might want to learn about pigeon homing. First, pigeons are amazing creatures. They have a natural ability to find their way home, which is called “homing instinct.” This ability has been studied by scientists for years and still mystifies them. Second, learning about pigeon homing can help you connect with other like-minded people. There are many enthusiasts who still practice this lost art and they are always happy to share their knowledge with beginners. For those who enjoy working with animals, who appreciate athleticism, and who enjoy friendly, wholesome competition, learning about pigeon homing can be a fun and interesting hobby.

Resources for Beginner Pigeon Homing
If you are interested in learning about pigeon homing, there are several resources available to get started. The best way to learn is by networking with a mentor. There are many experienced pigeon homers who would be happy to share their knowledge with beginners. The American Racing Pigeon Union has a Help-A-Beginner program along with a wealth of resources for beginner and experienced pigeon homers. An ARPU membership will give you access to 700+ clubs, racing competition eligibility, and more.

Pigeon homing is a lost art that is worth reviving. These birds are amazing creatures with a natural ability to find their way home. For those who are interested in learning more about this lost art, there are resources available to get started. Networking with a mentor is the best way to learn, but there are also several books and websites that offer tips and advice for beginner pigeon homers. So why not give it a try? Who knows, you might just fall in love with these fascinating creatures.


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